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Thermachoice Uterine Balloon Therapy System

If you’ve been reluctant to talk to your friends or your doctor about your heavy periods, you may not realize how common they are – or that you don’t have to accept the limits heavy periods can put on your lifestyle. One effective treatment for heavy periods is a global endometrial ablation (GEA) procedure called GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® Uterine Balloon Therapy System. GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® is an effective, nonhormonal, permanent treatment for heavy periods. It involves a minimally invasive, 8-minute procedure that can be performed in your doctor’s office. For most women, menstrual periods are a simple fact of life. But if you’re one of the 3 in 10 women of reproductive age who suffers from heavy periods – menorrhagia. Women’s menstrual cycles can differ widely from one another and still be considered “normal.” However, you may be suffering from excessively heavy periods if any of the following happens regularly to you: Your period lasts longer than 7 days – usually periods last 4 to 6 days. Your period contains blood clots. Your period soaks through a tampon or pad every hour for 2 hours or more. Heavy periods can exhaust you, cause serious discomfort, and interrupt your routine. You may need to change menstrual pads or tampons constantly, or wear dark clothing to avoid embarrassing accidents. The pain and exhaustion can be debilitating – something women with “normal” menstruation cycles don’t always understand.

Heavy bleeding may be only half your story

Here are some additional questions to ask yourself: Are your periods painful? If yes, how often do you have pain? Do painful periods ever get in the way of your activities? If you suffer from heavy bleeding during your periods, GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® III Uterine Balloon Therapy System may be a treatment option for you and also may be able to help with the pain secondary to menorrhagia. lining of the uterus. GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® is an effective, nonhormonal treatment for heavy periods. It involves a minimally invasive, 8-minute procedure that can be performed in your doctor’s office or in a hospital. There are a number of options for managing heavy periods. Most doctors recommend birth control pills initially to manage heavy periods, but for many women, this option is either ineffective or undesirable. They can cause weight gain, moodiness and breast tenderness, and may not ultimately be effective in reducing heavy periods.

What to Expect

GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® Uterine Balloon Therapy with Fluid Circulation offers an effective, nonhormonal treatment for heavy periods, also known as menorrhagia. GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® is a minimally invasive, 8-minute procedure that can be performed in your doctor’s office or in a hospital.

What happens during the procedure?

GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® uses a method called global endometrial ablation (GEA) to remove the endometrium, the lining of the uterus (womb). Under local anesthesia, the doctor inserts a small silicone balloon into your uterus, which is filled with fluid and then gently heated to treat the lining of your uterus. No incision is required. You may feel a slight warmth or pressure during the treatment time, which is 8 minutes; the entire appointment usually lasts approximately 30 minutes. See step by step how GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® works. In most cases, patients can resume their normal activities the next day.

What happens after the procedure?

The first postoperative check-up usually occurs within 7 to 10 days after the procedure, and your doctor may determine that sexual activity can resume after that check-up. Your first few periods after the procedure may continue to be heavy, with improvement thereafter. Some women experience a pinkish watery discharge for about 2 weeks that can last as long as 1 month. All medical procedures carry risks. Talk to a doctor to determine whether GYNECARE THERMACHOICE® might be the right choice for you. Find a doctor who can provide treatment.

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